• India’s Sun-monitoring spacecraft, Aditya-L1, is on its way to the center of the solar system. It started its four-month journey on September 2, 2023. It is carrying instruments to study the Sun’s outermost layers.
  • The spacecraft has already escaped the sphere of Earth’s influence. This means that it is no longer bound by Earth’s gravity. It is now on its own, heading towards the Sun.
  • Aditya-L1 will enter a halo orbit around the Sun. This is a special orbit where the gravitational forces of the Sun and Earth cancel each other out. This will allow the spacecraft to stay in a stable position while it studies the Sun.
  • The spacecraft is expected to reach its final orbit in December 2023. It will then begin its mission to study the Sun’s corona and chromosphere. The corona is the Sun’s outer atmosphere. The chromosphere is the layer of the Sun’s atmosphere that lies just below the corona.
  • Aditya-L1 is India’s first mission to study the Sun. It is also the first spacecraft from any country to enter a halo orbit around the Sun. The mission is expected to provide new insights into the Sun’s behavior and how it affects Earth.

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